Source code for astrogrism.grism_observation

import asdf
from import fits
from astropy.modeling import models
from astropy import units as u
from gwcs import wcs as gwcs
from gwcs import coordinate_frames as cf
import numpy as np
import pathlib

from astrogrism.HST.transform_models import (AstrogrismForwardGrismDispersion,
from astrogrism.HST.dispersion_models import DISPXY_Extension

pkg_dir = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.absolute()

[docs]class GrismObs(): """ Base class for astrogrism package. Stores all necessary information about a single grism observation. """ def __init__(self, grism_image, direct_image=None, telescope=None, instrument=None, detector=None, filter=None, ccd=None): # Read grism image file if string input if isinstance(grism_image, str): self.grism_image = elif isinstance(grism_image, fits.HDUList): self.grism_image = grism_image else: raise TypeError("grism_image must be either a string filepath or FITS HDUList") # Read direct image file if string input if direct_image is None: self.direct_image = None if isinstance(direct_image, str): self.direct_image = elif isinstance(direct_image, fits.HDUList) or direct_image is None: self.direct_image = direct_image else: raise TypeError("direct_image must be either a string filepath or FITS HDUList") # Parse grism image file header for meta info self.grism_header = self.grism_image["PRIMARY"].header # Attempt to retrieve any information missing from the header (e.g. SIP) # Should probably make these properties instead. if telescope is None: self.telescope = self.grism_header["TELESCOP"] else: self.telescope = telescope if instrument is None: self.instrument = self.grism_header["INSTRUME"] else: self.instrument = instrument if filter is None: if "FILTER" in self.grism_header: self.filter = self.grism_header["FILTER"] elif "FILTER1" in self.grism_header: self.filter = self.grism_header["FILTER1"] else: self.filter = filter # Build GWCS geometric transform pipeline if self.filter in ("G280", "G800L"): # Need to build transforms for both channels of WFC3 UVIS and ACS WFC self.geometric_transforms = {} self.geometric_transforms["CCD1"] = self._build_geometric_transforms(channel=1) self.geometric_transforms["CCD2"] = self._build_geometric_transforms(channel=2) else: self.geometric_transforms = self._build_geometric_transforms() def _build_geometric_transforms(self, channel=None): """ Build transform pipeline under the hood so the user doesn't need to worry about it. TODO: - Try to get SIP coefficients from grism observation header before resorting to premade file. _flt files do not have inverse SIP coefficients, so that would require calculating them on the fly. """ # Register custom asdf extension asdf.get_config().add_extension(DISPXY_Extension()) # Get paths to premade configuration files config_dir = pkg_dir / 'config' / self.telescope # Most of the supported grisms require Microns for wavelength units l_unit = "micron" # Account for additional specifications needed for instrument and filter if self.telescope == "HST": if self.filter in ("G102", "G141"): instrument = self.instrument + "_IR" filter = self.filter elif self.filter == "G280": instrument = f"{self.instrument}_UVIS" filter = f"{self.filter}_CCD{channel}" l_unit = "Angstrom" elif self.filter == "G800L": instrument = "ACS_WFC" filter = f"{self.filter}_CCD{channel}" else: instrument = self.instrument filter = self.filter sip_file = config_dir / "{}_distortion.fits".format(instrument) spec_wcs_file = config_dir / "{}_{}_specwcs.asdf".format( self.instrument, filter) # Build the grism_detector <-> detector transforms with as f: specwcs = f.tree displ = specwcs['displ'] dispx = specwcs['dispx'] dispy = specwcs['dispy'] try: invdispl = specwcs['invdispl'] except KeyError: invdispl = None invdispx = specwcs['invdispx'] orders = specwcs['order'] gdetector = cf.Frame2D(name='grism_detector', axes_order=(0, 1), unit=(u.pix, u.pix)) det2det = AstrogrismForwardGrismDispersion(orders, lmodels=displ, xmodels=invdispx, ymodels=dispy, l_unit=l_unit) # TODO: Decide where to raise a warning if we can't do the backward # grism transformation (UVIS, at least for now). if invdispl is not None: det2det.inverse = AstrogrismBackwardGrismDispersion(orders, lmodels=invdispl, xmodels=dispx, ymodels=dispy, l_unit=l_unit) else: det2det.inverse = AstrogrismBackwardGrismDispersion(orders, lmodels=displ, xmodels=dispx, ymodels=dispy, interpolate_t=True, l_unit=l_unit) grism_pipeline = [(gdetector, det2det)] # Now add the detector -> world transform sip_hdus = # Get the correct hdu from the SIP file if channel is not None: for hdu in sip_hdus: if "CCDCHIP" in hdu.header and hdu.header["CCDCHIP"] == channel: sip_hdu = hdu else: sip_hdu = sip_hdus[1] acoef = dict(sip_hdu.header['A_*']) a_order = acoef.pop('A_ORDER') bcoef = dict(sip_hdu.header['B_*']) b_order = bcoef.pop('B_ORDER') # Get the inverse SIP polynomial coefficients from file apcoef = dict(sip_hdu.header['AP_*']) bpcoef = dict(sip_hdu.header['BP_*']) sip_hdus.close() try: ap_order = apcoef.pop('AP_ORDER') bp_order = bpcoef.pop('BP_ORDER') except ValueError: raise crpix = [self.grism_image[1].header['CRPIX1'], self.grism_image[1].header['CRPIX2']] crval = [self.grism_image[1].header['CRVAL1'], self.grism_image[1].header['CRVAL2']] cdmat = np.array([[self.grism_image[1].header['CD1_1'], self.grism_image[1].header['CD1_2']], [self.grism_image[1].header['CD2_1'], self.grism_image[1].header['CD2_2']]]) a_polycoef = {} for key in acoef: a_polycoef['c' + key.split('A_')[1]] = acoef[key] b_polycoef = {} for key in bcoef: b_polycoef['c' + key.split('B_')[1]] = bcoef[key] ap_polycoef = {} for key in apcoef: ap_polycoef['c' + key.split('AP_')[1]] = apcoef[key] bp_polycoef = {} for key in bpcoef: bp_polycoef['c' + key.split('BP_')[1]] = bpcoef[key] a_poly = models.Polynomial2D(a_order, **a_polycoef) b_poly = models.Polynomial2D(b_order, **b_polycoef) ap_poly = models.Polynomial2D(ap_order, **ap_polycoef) bp_poly = models.Polynomial2D(bp_order, **bp_polycoef) # See SIP definition paper for definition of u, v, f, g # TODO: maybe don't hardcode the pole to rotate around (180 for HST)? SIP_forward = (models.Shift(-(crpix[0]-1)) & models.Shift(-(crpix[1]-1)) | models.Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)) | a_poly & b_poly & models.Identity(2) | models.Mapping((0, 2, 1, 3)) | models.math.AddUfunc() & models.math.AddUfunc() | models.AffineTransformation2D(matrix=cdmat) | models.Pix2Sky_TAN() | models.RotateNative2Celestial(crval[0], crval[1], 180)) SIP_backward = (models.RotateCelestial2Native(crval[0], crval[1], 180) | models.Sky2Pix_TAN() | models.AffineTransformation2D(matrix=cdmat).inverse | models.Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1)) | ap_poly & bp_poly & models.Identity(2) | models.Mapping((0, 2, 1, 3)) | models.math.AddUfunc() & models.math.AddUfunc() | models.Shift((crpix[0]-1)) & models.Shift((crpix[1]-1))) full_distortion_model = SIP_forward & models.Identity(2) full_distortion_model.inverse = SIP_backward & models.Identity(2) imagepipe = [] det_frame = cf.Frame2D(name="detector") imagepipe.append((det_frame, full_distortion_model)) world_frame = cf.CelestialFrame(name="world", unit=(u.Unit("deg"), u.Unit("deg")), axes_names=('lon', 'lat'), axes_order=(0, 1), reference_frame="ICRS") imagepipe.append((world_frame, None)) grism_pipeline.extend(imagepipe) return gwcs.WCS(grism_pipeline)